The speed of sound is the distance travelled by a sound wave as it propagates through an elastic medium.
Calculation: Speed = distance / time
The speed of sound varies depending on the temperature of the air through which the sound moves. The speed of sound also varies depending on the type of gas through which the sound moves (pure oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc.)
In air at room temperature the speed of sound travels at 346 meters per second.
At freezing temperatures the air molecules vibrate slower and sound travels at 331.5 meters per second.
On earth and at sea level with an air temperature of 15 degrees Celsius the speed of sound is 1225 km/h or 761.2 mph. The speed to break the sound barrier decreases higher in the atmosphere, where temperatures are colder
Convert the air temperature in °C or °F, first to kelvins.
Add 1 to the temperature in kelvins and take the square root.
Multiply the result from Step 2 by 331.3.
The answer is the speed of sound in air in m/s.
It is a number that is a ratio of the speed of a body (car/aircraft) to the speed of sound in an undisturbed medium through which the body is travelling. The numbers came into use in 1929 and are named after Ernst Mach (1838-1916).
Calculation: Ratio = Object Speed / Speed of Sound = Mach Number.
Anything exceeding the speed of sound creates a “sonic boom”. An airplane, bullet etc.
Nasa reached Mach 10 speed in 2004 when it launched X-43-A the first air-breathing hypersonic vehicle into the atmosphere (7000mph @ approximately 110 000 feet)
The molecules are closer together in a solid medium which allows the sound waves to travel more quickly through it.
Material | Longitude
M/s |
M/s |
M/s |
Aluminum, rolled | 6420 | 3040 | 5000 |
Antimony | 3400 | ||
Beryllium | 12890 | 8880 | 12870 |
Bismut | 2180 | 1790 | |
Brass (70% Cu, 30% Zn) | 4700 | 2110 | 3480 |
Brick | 4200 | 3600 | |
Cadmium | 2780 | 2400 | |
Concrete | 3700 | 3200 | |
Constantan | 5177 | 2625 | 4270 |
Copper, annealed | 4760 | 2325 | 3810 |
Copper, rolled | 5010 | 2270 | 3750 |
Cork | 518 | 366 | |
Diamond | 12000 | ||
Duralumin | 6320 | 3130 | 5150 |
Glass, heavy silicate flint | 3980 | 2380 | 3720 |
Glass, light borate crown | 5100 | 2840 | 4540 |
Glass, pyrex | 5640 | 3280 | 5140 |
Gold, hard drawn | 3240 | 1200 | 2030 |
Granite | 5950 | ||
Iridium | 4790 | ||
Iron, cast | 4994 | 2809 | 4480 |
Iron, electrolytic | 5950 | 3240 | 5120 |
Ivory | 3010 | ||
Lead, annealed | 2160 | 700 | 1190 |
Lead, rolled | 1960 | 690 | 1210 |
Lucite | 2680 | 1100 | 1840 |
Magnesium, annealed | 5770 | 3050 | 4940 |
Manganese | 4660 | 3830 | |
Marble | 3810 | ||
Molybdenum | 6250 | 3350 | 5400 |
Monel | 5350 | 2720 | 4400 |
Nickel | 6040 | 3000 | 4900 |
Nylon 6/6 | 2620 | 1070 | 1800 |
Platinum | 3260 | 1730 | 2800 |
Polyethylene | 1950 | 540 | 920 |
Polystyrene | 2350 | 1120 | 1840 |
Rubber, butyl | 1830 | ||
Rubber, gum | 1550 | ||
Rubber, neoprene | 1600 | ||
Silica, fused | 5968 | 3764 | 5760 |
Silver | 3650 | 1610 | 2680 |
Slate | 4510 | ||
Steel (1% C) | 5940 | 3220 | 5180 |
Steel, stainless | 5790 | 3100 | 5000 |
Tantalium | 3350 | ||
Tin, rolled | 3320 | 1670 | 2730 |
Titanium | 6070 | 3125 | 5090 |
Tungsten, annealed | 5220 | 2890 | 4620 |
Tungsten, drawn | 5410 | 2640 | 4320 |
Tungsten carbide | 6655 | 3980 | 6220 |
Wood (hard) | 3960 | ||
Zinc, rolled | 4210 | 2440 | 3850 |
*The above is a guide only. Actual values may differ slightly due to temperature, composition etc.
The Speed of sound in water travels faster than the speed of sound in air. Under normal conditions 1,480 meters per second. Speed of sound in water molecules bound in ice form have a speed of sound more than twice as fast as in liquid water.
Temp (ºC) | Meters/second |
0 | 1402 |
1 | 1407 |
2 | 1412 |
3 | 1417 |
4 | 1421 |
5 | 1426 |
6 | 1430 |
7 | 1434 |
10 | 1447 |
20 | 1481 |
30 | 1507 |
40 | 1526 |
50 | 1541 |
60 | 1552 |
70 | 1555 |
80 | 1555 |
90 | 1550 |
100 | 1543 |
Material | Meters/second | Temp (ºC) |
Chloroform | 1004 | 20 |
Ethanol | 1162 | 20 |
Mercury | 1450 | 20 |
Water | 1482 | 20 |